To help support self-service within the eLynx application you can create templates that can be used to quickly create new Devices. By default the templates can be used to create manual entry devices within the application. For our WebHost / Data Historian customers our eLynx Support group has the ability to convert these templates for direct creation in the application of new devices that are mapped directly to your in-house systems.
All objects created in the eLynx application via self-service tools are billable objects and will be added to your recuring billing with the next billing cycle.
Templates are made by selecting an existing device and some or all of that devices tags which will be used to establish the tag names and data classification codes used throughout the system. In addition the template will include any properties like units of measure, number of decimal places to display, and lookup lists.
Opening Template Administration
Template Administration is done within the Admin Tools -> Object Administration card by selecting "Template Administration."
This will open the Template Administration View
Searching for a template
If you have a large list of templates and wish to search for a particular template click the View Options icon in the upper right toolbar and a side panel will open allowing you to filter the list of templates.
Creating a new template
Before creating a new template ensure that the group selection in the upper left corner is on a group that contains the source device you will be using to select tags for the new template.
Click the Create New button in the upper right toolbar to open the step menu to create a new template.
Step 1: Standard Properties
Enter a name and description for your new template and then click on the "Select Device" button in the lower right corner to advance to the next step.
Step 2: Select Device
A list of all devices in the current group will be shown, you may select one by clicking the radio button to the left of the device name. You may also start typing the device name in the filter by device name field to narrow down the list of device.
Once you have selected the source device click the "Select Tags" button in the lower right corner to proceed to the next step.
Step 3: Select Tags
A list of all tags on the source device will be shown, an options panel will allow you to quickly search for specific tags.
Click the checkboxes next to the tag names to select / unselect the tags you wish to add to the template.
Once you have the tag list correct click the "Summary" button to review the new template.
Step 4: Summary
If everything looks correct then click the "Save Changes" button in the lower right corner to create your new template. If you need to make changes you can navigate back to "Select Tags" with the button in the lower right corner, or click on any of the step names along the top of the screen to go back and make changes.
You may also click the "Cancel" button if you wish to abandon this template completely and start over.
More Options
Each of the templates in your list of templates has a more options menu to perform actions on your existing templates.
This option allows you to edit the description and the tag set on the template, please note that you cannot select a different source device.
This option allows you to change the name of the template.
This option allows you to delete this template from the system.
This option creates a new template with the same source device and tags as the current template, in this mode you can select a different device as the source device, but that will then select all tags from the new source device.
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