Reports in the eLynx application maybe scheduled for automated delivery using the Scheduled Report Administration page. This is accomplished using a step menu that guides the user as follows:
- Choose which report to schedule
- Create one or more customized schedules to generate the report
- Choose the desired report format
- Choose the recipients to receive the report
Illustrated instructions to perform these activities are discussed in greater detail in the following sections.
Navigate to the Administration menu
- Click on the Administration menu (wrench icon) in the eLynx Navigation menu (left side of page).
- Click Scheduled Reports menu option in the Miscellaneous section to open the Scheduled Reports Administration page.
Create a Scheduled Report
The Scheduled Reports Administration page is used to create, view and manage all Scheduled Reports used in the eLynx application. Reports may be scheduled using the Add Scheduled Report Task
- Click the
Add Scheduled Report Task button in the upper right corner of the screen.
This will display the New Scheduled Report page with a step menu and series of tabs will guide the user through the process to create a new Scheduled Report.
Step 1: Details tab
The Details tab is used to choose the report to be scheduled and to enter details regarding the schedule and format when the report is generated. Perform the following steps on the 1: Details tab to create the new Scheduled Report:
- Use the Report Type dropdown to select which type of report to create.
- Use the Report dropdown to select which report to schedule. The list of values will be limited based on the Report Type selected in the previous step.
- Enter a description of the report in the Report Description field.
- Use the Export Format section to choose the format for the Scheduled Report.
- Format options include Microsoft Excel, PDF or CSV.
- In the center of the page, one or more Schedules may be created to control the Frequency and Time Zone when the Scheduled Report will be generated and distributed.
- If the Custom Report option is selected, a Repeat Interval may be entered to create a recurring schedule for a selected time period (e.g., Days, Weeks, etc.).
- Each Schedule entry has a More Actions menu which may be used to Duplicate the Schedule.
- The More Actions menu is the small button with three vertical dots located in the upper right portion of each Schedule section.
- Click the Duplicate menu option to create a copy of the selected Schedule and then make changes as needed to the new Schedule.
- Once all of the Scheduled Report information has been entered, click the Notifications button (bottom right of page) to proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Notifications tab
The 2: Notifications tab is used to specify to whom the Scheduled Report should be sent each time it is generated. Notifications may be sent to specific individuals (i.e., Recipients) and/or to groups of individuals (i.e., Notification Lists).
Notification Lists sub-tab
The Notification Lists sub-tab displays the available predefined Notification Lists to whom the Scheduled Report may be sent.
- Place a checkmark next to each Notification List to whom the Scheduled Report should be sent each time it is generated.
- The number of Notification Lists selected will appear next to the Notification Lists sub-tab label.
Recipients sub-tab
The Recipients sub-tab displays the Recipients to whom the Scheduled Report may be sent.
- New Recipients may be added by clicking the Add Recipient button and entering the email address.
- Place a checkmark next to each Recipient to whom the Scheduled Report should be sent each time it is generated.
- The number of Recipients selected will appear next to the Recipients sub-tab label.
Once the Notification Lists and/or Recipients have been selected, click the Summary button (bottom right corner of page) to proceed to the next step.
Step 3: Summary tab
The Step 3: Summary tab is used as a final checkpoint to review the details of the Scheduled Report before saving it.
- The user should review each of the three sections to ensure that the correct report is selected, that the schedule(s) are correct and that it is being sent to the intended recipients.
- If any items are incorrect then the user may click the return button (lower left of page) or the respective tab name (top of page) to make changes to the respective information.
- Once all data is reviewed and verified as correct, click the Save As New button to provide a name for new Scheduled Report.
- The Save As New dialog allows the user to enter a name for the new Scheduled Report.
Scheduled Report is ready for use
Once the Scheduled Report has been saved then the user will be returned to the Scheduled Reports Administration page.
- The newly created Scheduled Report will be displayed in the list.
- The Schedule section may be expanded to see which Schedule(s) have been setup for the Scheduled Report.
- The Notifications section may be expanded to see to whom the Scheduled Report will be sent each time it is generated for each Schedule.
- Each Scheduled Report may be managed as follows by clicking the three dots to the right of the schedule:
- Edit - Make changes to the Scheduled Report using the step menu actions described above.
- Copy - Create a copy of the Scheduled Report using the current settings and then open it to make changes to the report, schedules and/or notifications.
- Delete - Deletes the Scheduled Report after providing a warning prompt to the user.
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