The eLynx Liquid Production system encompasses several views in the application to monitor tank levels, enter and store haul information, view and enter data for tank levels in simple spreadsheets, and, when configured, allocate liquid production among a group of devices that share a common set of tanks, and estimate hauls if they are not being tracked manually.
NOTE: Estimated hauls are rough calculations of material hauled from location based on reductions in volumes on tanks. Since these are rough estimates, we only recommend using them when there is no other mechanism for collecting more accurate data. To reduce the confusion these estimates can cause they must be enabled by eLynx Support and cannot be enabled by the end user. Also note that the eLynx application does have a simple data entry screen for entering haul information and we recommend that our customers use these simple data entry tools to gather accurate haul information, but in cases where that isn't practical, we can enable the automated haul calculations. Otherwise, the tools available in Liquid Production Administration allow most other functionality to be configured by the end user of the system.
A few definitions before we look at the administration of the system might be helpful:
Tank Pad - A collection of one or more Tank Batteries at a given facility.
Tank Battery - A collection of one or more Tanks to collect liquids from wells.
Tank - A single cylindrical tank to collect Oil and or Water from wells.
Device - For Liquid Production a Device is an object in the eLynx system that represents the data for a single wellhead.
Well - A special object in the eLynx system that contains production, forecasting, and variance information for a well. While Wells are a useful tool in the eLynx system they are not required for Liquid Production to be used. Any reference to a "well device" in this document is referring to the Device associated with the wellhead and not to a Well object.
While in most cases a Tank Pad will consist of just one Tank Battery this structure allows you to organize the Tanks in any way that makes the most sense for you. As an example, let's think of a situation where there are 8 horizontal wells at a pad, the four wells east of the pad produce into one set of tanks and the wells west of the pad produce into a second set of tanks. In this case a logical setup would be 1 Tank Pad that represents the entire facility with two Tank Batteries to represent the wells east / west of the pad. Each battery would then contain the appropriate number of Oil and Water Tanks.
Each Tank Battery can also have linkages to Devices in the system which will allow those Devices detailed information screens to include information from the Tanks in the battery. In addition, if the individual devices at the wells do not have water and oil meters you can use Allocation information when setting up the linkages to allocate produced liquids to the individual Devices.
One final note before we jump in, the eLynx system uses a set of Tank Styles that define the physical characteristics of the Tanks. These Tank Styles must be defined before any Tanks can be created. Information on creating and managing Tank Styles can be found here. (Managing Tank Styles)
Accessing Liquid Production administration is done through the Administration menu under Object Administration by clicking on these items.
This will open the Tank Pad screen.
A card will be presented for each Tank Pad that exists in the system, please note that there is a disclosure link next to the Tank Battery count that will allow you to expand the card with a list of Tank Batteries attached to this Tank Pad.
Once the Tank Batteries are disclosed by clicking on the link there will be additional disclosure links for any attached Devices and Tanks. Fully disclosing all of these items on one of these cards might look something like this:
At this point we can see that this Tank Pad is tied to a single Tank Battery which contains 4 Oil Tanks and 5 Water Tanks and is linked to a single wellhead Device.
Clicking the More Actions menu off to the right of the Tank Pad will allow you to Edit the Tank Pad, or delete it entirely.
Since Edit and Create are identical functionality just on new versus existing objects the rest of this document will describe each of the available actions.
Note: The steps below are in order of first to last the steps you will need to take to create everything for Liquid Production on a new location.
- Create / Edit Tank Pad
- Add / Edit Tank Battery - Step menu Page 1
- Add / Edit Devices - Step menu Page 2 - Devices Tab
- Add / Edit Tanks - Step menu Page 2 - Oil Tanks & Water Tanks Tabs
- Setup Allocations - Step menu Page 3 - Allocation and Transfer Tags
- Setup "Non-haul" transfers Step menu Page 3 - Allocation and Transfer Tags
Create / Edit Tank Pad
To Create a new Tank Pad click the plus button in the upper right corner:
To edit and Existing Tank Pad click the More Options button on the upper right edge of the Tank Pad card for the Pad you wish to edit and select Edit.
If you are Adding a new Tank Pad enter a name for the new Pad - Note that one empty Tank Battery will be created automatically as all Tank Pads must have at least one Tank Battery, we will have to Edit that battery to build out the first Tank Battery, additional Tank Batteries can be added to the Tank Pad we are editing / creating by clicking the ADD TANK BATTERY button in the upper right corner.
Once you enter a name for the new Tank Pad the default Tank Battery will rename itself from "New Tank Battery" to the name of the Tank Pad + the word "Battery" as shown below:]
Example "Add" Tank Pad screen
Add / Edit Tank Battery
To Edit this new Tank Battery click the More Options button on the right edge of the screen and select Edit Tank Battery.
This will open up the Step Menu for editing the Tank Battery please note that everything below this point in this document are all references to different Pages and Tabs on this step menu.
Page 1 Tank Battery general properties:
- If you wish you can change the name of the Tank Battery on this screen
- Enter the "Contract" hour for this Tank Battery (the time at which the Daily calculations will be recorded.)
Once complete click the DEVICES AND TANKS button in the lower right corner to proceed to the next step.
Add / Edit Devices
The default Tab on the next page shows a list of all Devices in the current organization, check the boxes next to the Devices which contribute liquids to this Tank Battery.
NOTE: The devices DO NOT have to have metering to show their individual contributions to the Tank Battery, this is used to establish a relationship between the Devices and the Tank Batteries. These links allow the system to show tank level information when looking at the Devices and also to establish the relationships for allocations. Device links are NOT required if you're only using eLynx to track the liquids and have no other information you can just proceed directly to the Tank tabs.
Add / Edit Tanks
Tanks are managed on the same step in the Tank Battery setup screen, to Add or Remove one or more Tanks to a Tank Battery select the Tab at the top of the screen labeled Oil Tanks, or Water Tanks.
NOTE: Tanks are defined as either Oil or Water when they are created. This selection is based on the primary liquid type to be contained in the Tank. All Tank objects regardless of type can be marked as Dual Phase which will allow for entry of both a Top level and an Interface level so that the system can calculate the correct amount of Oil and or Water in the individual Tanks.
When first opening one of the Tanks tabs the system will show a list of Tanks of the matching type that are not currently attached to any Tank Battery. If you have worked with eLynx Support to create tanks with monitoring hardware you may find your Tanks have already been created and you can just add then by clicking the checkbox next to the list of Available Tanks.
If you need to Create new Tanks please click the New Tank button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
A window will pop up that allows you to create a new Tank.
The following items need to be entered / updated to match your requirements:
- Tank Name - This can be any text, but it MUST be unique for each Tank. If you already have identifying numbers for your Tanks those work well.
- Tank Style - select the Tank Style from the drop down list that matches this Tanks dimensions.
- Resource - The primary liquid expected in this tank. This field will default to match the Tab you were on when you clicked NEW TANK.
- Dual Phase - If you will be tracking both a Top level and the level of the interface between Oil and Water check this box. This will allow the system to calculate both Oil and Water volumes for the Tank. If this box is unchecked then the system will assume that only the liquid selected in the Resource is in this Tank and the entire volume in the tank will be set based on a single Top level measurement.
- Contract Hour - This sets the time of day where all volumes in the Tank are analyzed for the previous 24 hours and a Daily volume is calculated for the liquids in the Tank.
Once you have entered all the information for the Tank click the OKAY button to save the Tank and return to the Tank tab on the main window.
Once you have finished creating all of the Tanks for the current Tab check the boxes in the Available Tanks.
NOTE: You can drag and drop the items in the Selected Tanks list to change the order they will display in the Tank Battery.
Repeat the steps above as necessary on the Water tanks Tab to select or create the Water tanks for this battery.
Once all of the Tanks have been added or created click the Allocation and Transfer Tags button in the lower right corner to advance to the next step.
Setup Allocations
For Tank Batteries where the individual wellhead Devices do not have Oil and Water meters the eLynx Liquid Production system can be configured to Allocate the Oil and Water volumes produced each day back to the wellhead Devices.
For this to operate properly each of the wellhead Devices must have tags added to receive this allocation information. All Devices on the Tank Battery must have the tags for "Liquid Production - Daily Oil Production" and "Liquid Production - Daily Water Production" available. In addition there must be a Tag on each device that is used as the source for calculating the percentage of Oil and or Water to be applied to the device.
The values in the source tag for allocation can be manually entered, or based on other data from the wellhead Device.
Some common use cases: (Listed by most frequent to least frequently used.)
- Gas Volume - Use the previous day gas volume for each wellhead Device and allocation liquids based on percentage of Gas Volume across all devices on the Tank Battery.
- Previous Day Water and Oil Meters - If you have Oil and Water meters that return a previous day volume but you would prefer to allocate from the Tank Battery you can use the Oil and Water meters as the source for allocations. The Oil and Water meter Previous Day volumes will be used to establish the ratios and the two calculated tags will be based on the Production to the tanks, but distributred by the meter ratios.
- Manual Entry - Use a manual entry tag to enter the ratios for the different wellhead Devices
- Water / Oil Cut - Use the values of the Water and Oil cuts of each wellhead Device (these would also be manually entered.)
- Custom Calculation - Have eLynx setup a custom calculation for each device that creates the allocation percentages. For instance Gas Volume * Water cut & Gas Volume * Oil cut.
In this screenshot we are using the most common allocation, the Gas Volumes.
Setup "Non-haul" transfers
The final feature in the Liquid Production system that needs setup (although it is for very rare use cases) would be to select the tags that are being used to track any liquids removed from the Tank Battery that is not being "hauled."
The primary use case for this feature is when Water is being sent directly from the Tank Battery to a disposal well, or when Oil is being delivered via a pipe to another location.
In these cases you can have a tag added to the Tank Battery where you can track the volume delivered on a daily for Oil and or Water and have the system automatically include those volumes in the Daily Production values.
Once these tags are setup you can select them from the same screen where you select tags for Allocation and the system will include those values in any Production calculations for each day.
Once all of your changes are complete click the Save or Update buttons in the lower right corner to save the changes to the Tank Battery (and also to the Tank Pad as necessary.)
Some final things to mention.
The internal calculations run on a repeating schedule, when first completing setup of a Tank Pad or Tank Batteries please allow some time (usually less than 15 minutes) for the calculations to begin processing the new setup.
The Device Details screen of every device linked to a Tank Battery will now include information on each of the Tanks in the Tank Battery.
Tank Batteries will show up as a separate Tab on the Summary Listing and will automatically be included for any group that contains the Devices linked to the Tank Battery.
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