Group Administration - Main Functions
All Group Administration functions are available by clicking on the "Administration" icon.
Use these links to quickly jump to the different sections of this article.
Rename Groups, Add / Delete Groups, Move a Group elsewhere on the Group Tree
Add / Remove Devices and Wells from the current group.
Configure the tags that show on the "Group Manual Entry" screen.
Enable / Disable System Balance for a group and setup each object in the group as an Inlet / Outlet / Other.
Create and Manage a set of rules that will automatically add Devices and Wells to the group.
Add a Device or Well to all of the Groups that another Device or Well is a member of.
Properties and Child Groups
Quick Links:
Moving a Group (and it's children.)
Adding a Group
Use the Group Hierarchy button to navigate to the group you want to place the new group under. See "Mobile App - Navigation & Iconography"
Click the "Administration" Icon and select "Properties and Child Groups"
You'll see a screen that shows the properties for the current group and a list of its Children. Click the + (add) button at the top of the window to create a new group.
Enter the name of the new Group in the pop-up window, then click SAVE to create the new group.
Back to Properties and Child Groups.
Renaming a Group
Use the Group Hierarchy button to navigate to the group you want to rename. See "Mobile App - Navigation & Iconography"
Click the "Administration" Icon and select "Properties and Child Groups"
Enter the new name in the Name field.
Then click the Save icon in the lower right corner.
Back to Properties and Child Groups.
Deleting a Group
Use the Group Hierarchy button to navigate to the parent group of the group you wish to delete.. See "Mobile App - Navigation & Iconography"
Click the "Administration" Icon and select "Properties and Child Groups"
To the right of each Child Group there is a More Actions button, click the button next to the group you wish to delete, then select Delete.
And since we're talking about that menu, the Edit option allows you to change the name of the Child Group.
Back to Properties and Child Groups.
Moving a Group (and it's children.)
Use the Group Hierarchy button to navigate to the group you want to move. See "Mobile App - Navigation & Iconography"
Click the "Administration" Icon and select "Properties and Child Groups"
To move a group (and it's children) to a different location on the tree click on the Parent entry.
Then select the new location from the Group Tree.
Back to Properties and Child Groups.
Use the Group Hierarchy button to navigate to the group you want to add or remove Devices or Wells to. See "Mobile App - Navigation & Iconography"
Click the "Administration" Icon and select Contents.
The system will display a list of all Devices that could be placed in the Current Group with a checkbox to select which Devices should be in the group.
You can add and remove Devices by checking and unchecking the boxes next to their names.
Quick Actions / View Options
There are three buttons in the upper right corner of the window that will make finding and adding Devices and Wells much easier.
Let's look at the View Options first. Click on the first icon to open the Options panel.
Within the options you can toggle between selecting Devices and Wells with the View Object Type selector, and you can enter search text in the Filter field. In the screenshot above I've entered "Wingfield" into the Filter field so now the Devices shown on screen all have "Wingfield" somewhere in their name.
Now that I have the list filtered to match only the Devices with "Wingfield" I can quickly check their boxes to add them to the group.
The Middle button sets ALL Devices or Wells to checked.
The Third button sets ALL Devices or Wells to unchecked.
Once you have all the appropriate Devices and Wells selected click the Save icon at the bottom to update the group.
Manual Entry Configuration
Use the Group Hierarchy button to navigate to the group for which you want to edit the Manual Entry configuration. See "Mobile App - Navigation & Iconography"
Click the "Administration" Icon and select "Manual Entry Configuration"
The system will display a list of all Tags that could be placed in the Group Manual Entry with a checkbox to select which Tags should be included for the group.
You can add and remove Tags by checking and unchecking the boxes next to their names.
Quick Actions / View Options
There are three buttons in the upper right corner of the window that will make finding and adding Tags much easier.
When you click on the first button it opens the Options panel where you can enter text in the Filter to search for text within the tag types to select tags for entry.
The Middle button sets ALL Tags to checked.
The Third button sets ALL Tags to unchecked.
Once you have all of the Tags selected that you wish to use for Group Manual Entry click the View Selected Tags and Order button. The tag list area will now show only the selected Tags and will add grab handles near the right that you can drag and drop to set the column order of the Group Manual Entry screen.
Once you have the Tags and the order set, click the Save icon near the bottom of the screen to save your changes.
System Balance Configuration
Use the Group Hierarchy button to navigate to the group for which you want to edit the System Balance configuration. See "Mobile App - Navigation & Iconography"
Click the "Administration" Icon and select "System Balance Configuration"
The System Balance Configuration page will open. To enable System Balance for the current group click the Enable System Balance for this group checkbox as shown below.
The Configuration screen will list all Devices added to the Current Group with the Contents option. Any devices that are added through Dynamic Group Configuration will be treated as Inlets with 100% allocation to the Current Group.
For the Devices statically assigned to the Current Group all devices will default as Inlets, but you can click on the word "Inlet" next to the Device Name to change it between the three options Inlet/Outlet/Other to control which section of the Summary Listing it will appear in.
In addition, if you are creating this Group to share information with stake holders you may set their portion of this device in the Allocation Percentage column to show them only their stake in the Device.
Once you have all of the options Configured click the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.
Dynamic Group Configuration
Dynamic Groups in the eLynx Application allow you to populate a Group based on other properties of the Device or Well. You can use Dynamic Grouping in conjunction with Attribute Management to assign Devices and Wells to routes, or gather together all devices with alarms (any alarm, or a specific alarm), or Devices and Wells that have values above or below a specific range or specific Text in a Tag that supports Text values.
You can use multiple criteria to search, but for a Device or Well to be included it must match all criteria in the Dynamic Group configuration.
To remove existing criteria see Removing Criteria from Dynamic Groups
To edit existing criteria see Editing Criteria for Dynamic Groups
Use the Group Hierarchy button to navigate to the group for which you want to edit the Dynamic Group configuration. See "Mobile App - Navigation & Iconography"
Click the "Administration" Icon and select "Dynamic Group Configuration"
Make sure the Enable Dynamic Grouping for this group box is checked.
To Add search criteria click on the Plus button in the upper right corner.
The system will show you a menu with three options.
Quick Links to the three options:
Add Attribute Criterion
This option allows you to search the Attributes on Devices and Wells for group membership. Please note that these searches are run continuously in the background so this is ideal for things like Route Management as you can just use the Attribute Management tool to re-assign objects to new routes and they will automatically be moved into the appropriate groups.
If we select this option we get a popup to set the search criteria.
The first thing we need to do is select another group in the system which will contain the devices we wish to search for matching Attributes. Many customers place all of their devices into either an "All Devices" group, or may have another group they use to gather all devices in a given area. For this example I know I have a group named "DEVICE TYPES" that has all of the devices I want to search for, so I'll click on the Source Group entry and select that group from the tree.
Next I'm going to look for the Attribute that I want to search. I'll do that by clicking on the Attribute Name selector then scroll down and find "Route" on the list.
Next I'll type in the Attribute Value that I wish to search for, in this case it is 8.
And then I'll click on the ADD button to add the criteria to the search list.
The system will close the pop-up and display the new criteria in the list of search criteria for the Group.
At this point I can add additional criteria to the list, or if this is all I need I can click the Save Icon at the bottom of the screen if I am done.
Return to Dynamic Group Configuration
Add Tag Value Criterion
This option allows you to search specific tags for values that match the entered criteria. While a complete listing of all of the use cases isn't possible here, a few we've seen are to search for Devices with a higher than expected Line Pressure, to check text Fault Codes for specific text that allows them to create groups for different teams that repair different types of faults, to monitor for Low Flow Rates and there are many more.
When you select Add Tag Value Criterion you'll see the following pop-up.
The first thing we need to do is select another group in the system which will contain the devices we wish to search for Tags that match the criteria. Many customers place all of their devices into either an "All Devices" group, or may have another group they use to gather all devices in a given area. For this example I know I have a group named "DEVICE TYPES" that has all of the devices I want to search for, so I'll click on the Source Group entry and select that group from the tree.
Next we need to select if the Tag Type we are going to use is a numeric tag or a text tag. As numeric tags are far more common the system defaults to that, but you can click on it to change to Text.
For this example will leave it in Numeric mode.
Next we'll click on Tag Type to get a list of tags that are used in our Source Group that we want to search for. For this example we are going to create a group that shows us any devices where the pipeline pressure is above the value set in our contract with the pipeline operator. This will allow us to monitor for conditions outside of our contract so we can alert the people responsible. We have a tag that has a pressure reading at the pipeline, so we will select it as the search criteria.
Since our contract has an upper limit on the pipeline pressure of 120 PSIG we will select the greater than operator ( > ) and enter 120 for the value, then click ADD to insert this search criteria into the list.
The system will return to the Dynamic Group Configuration page and show the newly entered criteria in the list of criteria.
Once we have entered all the criteria click on the Save icon at the bottom of the screen to save the configuration.
When creating Tag Value criteria the following Operators are available.
Available Operators - Numeric
> - Value is greater than entered criteria.
< - Value is less than entered criteria.
>= - Value is greater than or equal to entered criteria.
<= - Value is less than or equal to entered criteria.
= - Value exactly matches entered criteria.
<> - Value does not match entered criteria.
Available Operators - Text
BEGINS WITH - matches if the value in the tag starts with an exact match for the criteria.
CONTAINS - matches if the value in the tag contains an exact match for the criteria anywhere in its value.
DOES NOT CONTAIN - matches if the value in the tag does not include the text in the criteria.
DOES NOT MATCH EXACTLY - matches if the value in the tag does not exactly match the entire text in the criteria.
ENDS WITH - matches if the value in the tag ends with an exact match for the criteria.
EXACTLY MATCHES - matches if the value in the tag matches the entire text in the criteria.
Return to Dynamic Group Configuration
Add Alarm Criterion
This option allows you to search tags for values that are in alarm. You can collect Devices that have any alarm, or you can specify a particular Tag Type to collect any Devices that have are in alarm for a specific Tag Type.
When we select Add Alarm Criterion we get the following pop-up window.
The first thing we need to do is select another group in the system which will contain the devices we wish to search for Tags that are in alarm.. Many customers place all of their devices into either an "All Devices" group, or may have another group they use to gather all devices in a given area. For this example I know I have a group named "DEVICE TYPES" that has all of the devices I want to search for, so I'll click on the Source Group entry and select that group from the tree.
By default the system has selected "Any Tag in Alarm" but I want this group to only contain Devices that have a Flow Rate alarm on their gas measurement. So I'll select "Flow - Gas Spot Rate" as the Tag Type.
Then I can click the Add button to save this criteria to the list.
And we can see it on the list now.
We can now add additional criteria, or if we are finished with all of the criteria we can click the Save icon at the bottom of the screen to save our configuration.
Return to Dynamic Group Configuration
Removing Criteria from Dynamic Groups
Use the Group Hierarchy button to navigate to the group for which you want to remove criteria. See "Mobile App - Navigation & Iconography"
Click the "Administration" Icon and select "Dynamic Group Configuration"
You will see a list of the criteria that are being used to populate the group. To the right of each of the criteria there is a More Options button. Click the More Options button next to the criteria you want to delete then select Delete from the menu.
Once you have removed all of the unnecessary criteria click the Save icon to save the new configuration.
Return to Dynamic Group Configuration
Editing Criteria for Dynamic Groups
Use the Group Hierarchy button to navigate to the group for which you want to edit criteria. See "Mobile App - Navigation & Iconography"
Click the "Administration" Icon and select "Dynamic Group Configuration"
You will see a list of the criteria that are being used to populate the group. To the right of each of the criteria there is a More Options button. Click the More Options button next to the criteria you want to delete then select Edit from the menu.
The screen will pop up the same window used for initially creating the dynamic criteria, you can see those instructions here:
Once you have made all desired changes click the Save icon to save the new configuration.
Return to Dynamic Group Configuration
Clone Group Membership
The Clone Group Membership tool can be used to quickly assign a new device to multiple groups when you have an existing device that is already a member of the groups necessary.
Use the Group Hierarchy button to navigate to any group which contains a device that you want to copy group membership from.. See "Mobile App - Navigation & Iconography"
Click the "Administration" Icon and select "Clone Group Membership"
You will be taken to the Clone Group Membership tool.
Select the device you want to copy group membership from with the Select Source Device field. You will see a list of all of the Devices in the current group. In this case I know that the "Dave Clegg #2-2 is a member of all of the groups I would like to add the new device to, so I'll click on Select Source Device and select it from the list.
The system will now show a list of all of the Groups that the "Dave Clegg #2-2" is a member of.
Next I'll select the Target Device that I want to add to all of these Groups. In this case the new Device is the "Daisy Ruiz 25". So I'll click on Select Target Device and pick it from the list.
Now that both the Source and Target Devices are selected I'll click the Save icon at the bottom of the screen and the "Daisy Ruiz 25" will be added to all the groups which contain the "Dave Clegg #2-2".
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