Managed Attributes allow for easier integrations, better route management and alarm management. They can be added in bulk as well as at the device or tag level. Depending on user permissions, you may have access to some or all of the functionality. Most users will only have Device or Tag level permissions with no access to the administrative piece.
Attribute Administration
Device/Tag Level Assignment
Create Attributes
To create attributes and manage in bulk, in the Miscellaneous section of the Administration Menu select Attribute Management.
When the page loads, all attributes currently in the system are displayed.
To quickly search for an attribute in the system, select the Options Icon in the upper right side of the screen and enter the name you are looking for in the Options Bar that opens.
To add a new Attribute, select the Add Attribute Icon in the upper right side of the screen. The system will then allow you to walk through a step menu to add the attribute.
For the first step, you will need to add a unique name and select the type of Attribute.
The current available Attribute Value Types are:
- Date - Allows users to enter data in as a date. (Example Date of First Production: 1/1/2021 0800)
- Numeric Only - Allowing for only numeric entry with some additional parameters to be defined such as decimal place and whole number length. (Example Accounting ID: 15423)
- Freeform Text - Allows for alphanumeric entry.
- Predefined Value Only - Allows admins to define what values a user has to choose from. (Example Lift type: Rod Pump, Gas Lift, Plunger Lift etc)
- Predefined Value & Freeform Text - Allows admins to define a pick list as well as let users enter in something not found in the list.
Each Attribute Value will have a slight variation of options but all need the following two items defined:
- This attribute be used in Summary Listing for 'Group By' Checkbox.
- When selected, users have the ability to group by the attribute on the summary listing screen.
- Select the object types the attribute may be tied to
- By default, all object types are selected.
- The selection of devices allows a user to assign the attribute to that type of object. If left unchecked, the object will not be allowed to receive the attribute.
The most commonly used Attribute Value type is the Predefined Value option and is shown below.
To add options for a pick list, select Add Value, and continue to add until all the values have been added.
To rearrange the order, click on and hold the three lines the left, drag to rearrange.
To Edit or Delete, click the three-dot ellipse for the more options menu.
Assign in Bulk
Once the Value has been set, you can assign in bulk to devices by moving to Step Two by selecting Usage in the lower right-hand side.
Depending on the type of attribute value, this screen will vary. To apply an attribute, enter the data or select the value to be applied. The box to the left will auto select.
In the event you want to add the attribute to the device and enter the data at the device level at a later time, you can select the checkbox to the left.
Once all selections have been made, Select the summary step to view the changes prior to committing them.
To complete the addition of the attribute to the system, and assign to the devices, click Create Attribute in the lower right corner.
Edit Attributes
Once the attribute has been added, if at any time a value needs to be added or you wish to add the attribute to multiple devices, select the three-dot ellipse on the right side of the attribute card and select Edit.
Depending on the Attribute Value Type the screens will differ slightly.
The Attribute Value Type CANNOT be changed. Other items that cannot be changed are shown grayed out.
To Bulk edit, the devices click on Usage in the lower right and make the necessary changes.
Add/Edit Attribute to a Single Device or Tag
To view the assigned attributes, at the Device Details or Tag Details level, select the Properties tab.
To Edit, click on the attribute that needs to be updated, and enter the appropriate value. Once the values have been updated, select the Save icon in the lower right corner .
To Add an attribute, select in the upper right corner of the screen in the actions menu.
Any unassigned attributes in the system will be available in the dropdown. To add an attribute, select from the Attribute Name dropdown and enter the Attribute Value.
In the event the attribute isn't in the system, there is a shortcut to creating one. Select Create Attribute from the Apply Attribute modal. This acts as a shortcut to the Attribute Administration Step Menu.
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