Image views can be created both a group level as well as at the device level, depending on the need. The method for creating either is very similar.
To create a Group Image View, choose a group that contains all the assets you wish to include. Once the Summary Listing screen loads, from the menu, select Image View.
To create a Device Image View, navigate to the desired device and from the menu, select Image View.
From the Image View screen, you have the option to choose a configuration that is already in the system, from a drop down in the upper left-hand side of the screen, or you can create a new configuration by clicking "New View". If a configuration has been set as a default for the group or device, it will appear on screen and the option to create a new configuration is under the three dot ellipse.
To create a new configuration, select New View or Create New to open the step menu.
Image View Step Menu
Image Views can have one or many pages based on the configuration. When the menu first loads, the gray box indicates the first page. To build out the first page configuration, select an image.
There are two options; the drop down is a listing of all previously used images in the system and the upload image button, which allows a user to upload their own images.
Tip: When uploading images, the description will be what is used in the dropdown list for future use.
Once an image has been chosen, the Edit Contents button becomes available to select the devices and place the desired content on the image.
Step 1:Select Contents
When creating an image view at a device level, this screen will not be shown.
This screen allows the selection of devices/objects to be included on the image. Select by clicking the box next to the name.
Tip: for groups that contain a lot devices or objects, there is a filter bar in the upper right corner to quickly pair down the list to only those items matching your criteria as well as a check box to view all of the items you have selected.
After selecting the devices/objects, move to to the next step by selecting Screen Layout in the lower right corner.
Step 2: Screen Layout
This screen allows you to solidify the layout by placing values and attributes directly on your image. Based on the devices/objects selected, a listing is shown on the right side of the screen with all of the available data listed as cards.
When doing a group image view, the listing of cards can be quite substantial and there are a few ways to get the to the items you need quickly by using filters.
The dropdown picker allows for the selection of only certain types of cards whereas the filter bar limits the cards based on what you key in. Note that if you limit the items based on a type, the filter will then only be used against the that type.
Once you have found the desired card, click on it to activate it. The card will go from grey to to blue-green and there are now property options available in the lower portion of the window for what is to be shown.
To add the data to the image, click and hold on the card and drag to the desired location on the image.
Note: Once the data point has been added to the image, you can drag the card data around on the screen to the proper placement. When active, the properties can be adjusted in the lower right viewing pane.
After dragging multiple data points on screen, at the top of the viewing window, there are options to align the data values along with a remove icon (items are removed from the image and placed back into the card view on the right).
To utilize these options, select multiple data points by holding down the ctrl button and clicking on the items you wish to align. In this case, the left most 5 data values were chosen to align left.
When using the alignment options, the system will align all of the values relative to the selected data values. In this instance, the top line is the leftmost justified item so by selecting all it hitting align left, the other four items will match the left alignment of the first item.
Tip: Some other controls are available but not shown. To move a data point one pixel at a time, select the data value and use the arrow keys. To jump 5 pixels at a time, hold down the shift key while using the arrow keys.
After all of the desired values have been added, select the Image View Pages button in the lower right corner to go back to the main add view page.
Image View Pages
Easily change the name of page by selecting the three dot ellipse and rename. To add another page click the Add Page button in the upper right corner and if this is the only page to be built, click Save as New
Tip: When adding multiple views, the order in which image views appear on screen dictates the page order, card one being the topmost card. Click the six dots in the upper left corner to reorder.
Image View
After saving the image view, it is added to the dropdown list as a private view.
To modify this setting, select the three dot ellipse and modify the permissions to allow anyone to view or allow anyone to view and edit.
Other options:
Override Options - Scale to fit on screen checked by default
Edit View - Opens the configuration in an edit mode to make modifications
Duplicate - Creates a copy of the current configuration.
Set as Default - Sets the chosen image as the screen that appears when navigating to image view from a group or a device.
Modify Permissions - Allows a user to set the privacy of the created view.
Delete - Removes the configuration from the system.
Rename - Allows for the renaming of the configuration.
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