This page allows you to view data, alarm set points, attachments and memos. You can also access historical data from Device Details. You can navigate to the Device Details page by clicking the device name from your Summary / Site Listing page, or by searching it via the search bar at the top right of the page. NOTE: You don't have to type out the full word, the first few letters should be enough to give you results.

You can navigate to the Device Details page for other devices by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the current device name at the top of this section and selecting the device you want to view.
Tag Values Tab
When the Tag Values tab is selected, you are able to view all tags (data values) that are associated with this specific device. The last known value, date and time is also displayed on this page.
Properties Tab
When the Properties tab is selected, you are able to update the device name, add latitude and longitude coordinates to be viewed from the Map View, location name, and add attributes to your devices. Attributes are characteristics that you can place on your devices (i.e. meter type, location, etc).
NOTE: To be able to configure device properties you must first be granted the appropriate security permissions by your administrator.

Standard Properties
To update the Standard Properties section, enter the appropriate information into the text boxes and select Update.
NOTE: If you enter latitude and longitude coordinates here they will automatically be placed into your Map View.
Custom Attributes
To add an attribute, follow the steps below:
- Under Custom Attributes, click on Add Attribute.
- In the Add Attribute window, enter the attribute name and type the value of the attribute which will be used as the characteristic value for your devices.
- Click Save.

To edit an existing attribute, follow the steps below:
- Under Custom Attributes, on the row of the attribute that you want to edit, change the text and then click Update Attributes.
Note: To delete an attribute, click the trash can icon.
How Custom Attributes can be used:
- As additional columns to be displayed in the Summary Listing.
- As search criteria in Dynamic Grouping.
Defaults Tab
When you set Defaults on this tab, you are creating the Device Default Trend and Device Map View Details for this device for all users.

Alarm Setpoints Tab
When the Set Points tab is selected, it displays any alarms already set for this particular device across different tag value types.
This page displays the tag name, set point name, operator, threshold value, and current state (i.e. Normal or Alarm state).
If a user has the appropriate permissions, they can also acknowledge, edit, disable, and delete alarms from this page.

Attachments Tab
When the Attachments tab is selected, it allows you to attach documents of your choice to individual devices and view any attached documents previously added.
NOTE: Documents must be 4 MB or less per document added.
To attach a document, follow the steps below:
- Click Add Document from the toolbar.
- Give your attachment a description name.
- Browse for the file to upload.
- Click Save.
NOTE: You much have the appropriate permissions granted by your administrator to access this section. Depending on the type of permissions granted you may be able to view but not attach additional documents. If you do not see any attachments that you know should be there you do not have the appropriate permissions granted to view attached documents.

Memos and Events Tab
When the Memos tab is selected, it allows you to view and add memos that can be seen by other users granted that access.
To attach a document, follow the steps below:
- Click Add Memo from the toolbar.
- Enter your text, or select auto text from the drop-down.
- Click Save.
NOTE: If given the appropriate permissions, you are able to manage your auto text and add additional frequently used text. To do so, go to the Miscellaneous section of the Administration Center.

Memo Flag on Summary Listing
After adding a memo a flag will be displayed for all users that are able to view memos.
You can edit an existing memo that you created, by clicking the pencil icon, and delete one by clicking the trash can icon.

Membership Tab
When the Membership tab is selected, it will display a list of all the groups the device resides in. The group names are hyperlinked to take you directly the Summary Listing page of the selected group.

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