The Production Dashboard provides a consolidated dashboard interface to view the status and performance of Well assets within the selected Group. It allows users to view which Wells are producing, down or potentially at risk of going down due to a detected issue. Users can also view actual production versus target production over time across an entire field or single lease route. Users can expand production categories to view specific Wells performance, history of events and take action.
Permission Requirements: Access to the Production Dashboard is granted as part of a paid eLynx licensing tier. Please contact eLynx Support to learn more about the Production Dashboard and how to obtain access for your organization as part of its eLynx subscription.
Navigate to the Production Dashboard
The Production Dashboard can be accessed as follows:
- On the Summary Listing page, click on the Production Dashboard icon from the navigation menu bar (left side of page)
- The Production Dashboard will be displayed
Production Dashboard Overview
The Production Dashboard provides a High level dashboard view of producing Well assets in the selected group. Well information is presented in three primary sections as follows:
- Well List (left side of page) - Shows the Wells in the group including their status and production performance actuals vs. targets
- Production Graphs (center of page) - Shows production of oil, gas and water for the Wells in the group
- Production Status & Summary (right side of page) - Shows a pie chart of which Wells are producing, down or at risk as well as the past 30 days of production
Each of these sections is discussed in greater detail below.
Current Production Status
The Current Production Status section (right side of page) contains graphics which show the collective status and performance of the Wells in the group including:
- Well Statuses (pie chart) - Displays the counts and relative proportion of Wells in each of the four categories shown in the Well List (i.e., Ongoing Events, Down, Unknown or Producing)
- Past 30 Days Production (horizontal stacked bar) - Displays the aggregate production volumes and relative percentages of the Wells in each of the four categories shown in the Well List (i.e., Ongoing Events, Down, Unknown or Producing)
30 Day Production Summary
The 30 Day Production Summary section (center of page) contains graphics which show the collective daily production of all Wells in the selected Group including:
- Liquid Production (top graph) - Displays 30-day stacked bar graph of daily oil production (green bars) and water production (blue bars) as well as the respective projected daily targets (dashed lines)
- Gas Production (bottom graph) - Displays 30-day bar graph of gas production (red bars) as wells as the projected daily targets (dashed line)
- Yesterday's Production (bottom left table) - Provides a quick reference summary of yesterday’s aggregate production per product type (oil, gas, and water)
- 30 Day Average Daily Production (bottom right table) - Provides 30-day average daily production per product type (oil, gas, and water)
Each of the daily production graphs allow the user to hover the mouse cursor over a daily bar to view the associated values.
Well List
The Well List (left side of page) displays all of the Wells in the currently selected Group. A Filter field is available at the top of the Well List to display all Wells whose names match the entered text string.
Users have the option to view the Target and Variance in 4 different ways. Clicking the target type will change the information displayed below accordingly.
- BBL - All wells are shown with the target oil production and variance in barrels. Gas is not included in the data shown.
- MCF - All wells are shown with the target gas production and variance in MCF (one thousand cubic feet) Oil is not included in the data shown.
- BOE - The default view shows all wells with both the target production and variance in BOE, or barrels of oil equivalent. (BBL + (MCF/6))
- $$$ or Well Economics - All wells are shown with the production targets and variances based on the wells cost data. For this section to be utilized correctly, cost data by product type must be provided by the customer.
- The target calculation is done on each product type and summed. A simplified version is as follows: $$$ Target = ((Target Production * Market price) - Cost to produce)
- The variance calculation is done on each product type and summed before comparing to the target. A simplified version is as follows: ($$$Target - ((Yesterdays Production * Market price) - Cost to produce))
To sort the list based on the name target or variance, click the column title to sort.
All of the Wells in the Well List are categorized based on the following criteria:
- Ongoing Events - Wells that are experiencing one or more Events which could impact production (An example a diagnostic event would be a Stuck Motor Control Valve)
- Down Wells - Wells that are not producing for some reason (i.e., planned or unplanned downtime)
- Unknown Wells - Wells that have not communicated production information to eLynx within the past 24 hours
- Producing Wells - Wells that are operating as expected to produce oil, water and/or gas
Each of these Well categories may be expanded to view the Wells within it.
Down Wells
Unknown Wells
Producing Wells
View Well History
The selected Well in the Well List may have associated Memos and/or Events which can be viewed by clicking the View Well History button (upper left of page). This is often helpful when a spike or event is observed on the Well Performance Graph and the user wants to see what information may have been captured related to it.
Clicking the View Well History button will temporarily hide the Well List and will instead display the Well History with a list of all of the Memos and Events for the selected Well. The list of Memos and Events is sorted chronologically in descending order (i.e., the most recent items are displayed at the top of the list). Click the Hide Well History button to hide the list of Memos and Events and return to the Well List.
Well Performance Graphs
Selecting a Well in the Well List will display a detailed trend graph in the center of the page to view Well performance over the past seven (7) days. The default view displays common metrics for pressure (e.g., tubing, line, casing) and flow rate.
To return to the Production Dashboard view, click the View Dashboard button (upper left of page).
Change Well Performance Graph
Several additional Well performance graphs are available and may be changed using the Well Performance Graph dropdown (upper left of the graph section).
Change Duration Configured Timeframe
By default the Well Performance Graph displays the past seven (7) days of activity. This date range can be changed by using the Duration Configured Timeframe dropdown (upper right of page) including:
- Last 24 hours
- Last 3 days
- Last 7 days (default)
- Last 10 days
- Custom
Graph Options
Several additional options are available to manage the Well Performance Graph including:
- Create New
- Duplicate
- Edit Graph
- Override Options
- Set as Default
- Modify Permissions
- Save Graph Image
- Delete
- Rename
Maximize Graph View
The Maximize Graph View toggle (upper left of section) can be used to temporarily hide the Well List and allow the graph to expand in size and occupy the entire page. This is useful to make the graph larger and easier to see.
Take Action on Well
The Take Action on Well button (upper right of page) can be used to perform a number of actions on the selected Well including:
- Add Memo
- Add Diagnostic Event
- Go to Well Details page
Adding a Memo to a Well
To add a Memo to a Well:
- Click the the Take Action on Well button
- Click the Add Memo menu option
- Enter the Memo information into the New Memo dialog
- Click the Save button to save changes and close the dialog
- The newly created Memo will now appear at the top of the Well History list
Adding a Diagnostic Event to a Well
To add a Diagnostic Event to a Well:
- Click the the Take Action on Well button
- Click the Add Diagnostic Event menu option
- Enter the Event information into the New Diagnostic Event dialog
- Click the Save button to save changes and close the dialog
- The newly created Event will now appear at the top of the Well History list
View Well Details
The Well Details page can be opened from the Well Review page as follows:
- Click the the Take Action on Well button
- Click the Go to Well Details menu option
- The Well Details page will be displayed
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