The eLynx Alarm Dashboard provides insight into how notifications are generated by the Alarm Setpoints configured within your organization. This allows users to identify common problems such as noisy alarms and alarm fatigue then take corrective actions to ensure your field personnel are efficiently focused on those items truly needing attention.
Permission Requirements: Users must be configured with Alarm Modify permissions to access the Alarm Dashboard. Please contact your organization's eLynx Administrator or eLynx Support if you need assistance.
Navigate to the Administration menu
- Click on the Administration menu (wrench icon) in the eLynx Navigation menu (left side of page).
- Click the Alarm Dashboard menu option to open the Alarm Dashboard page.
Alarm Dashboard Page
Upon opening, the Alarm Dashboard page will display the last 24 hours of activity related to alarm setpoints, notifications and recipients including:
- Top 5 Alarm Setpoints (upper left of page) - Pie chart showing which Alarm Setpoints in your organization have generated the greatest number of Notifications and the relative proportion to one another.
- Top 5 Alarm Objects (upper center of page) - Pie chart showing which Devices or Wells in your organization have generated the greatest number of Notifications due to Alarm Setpoints and the relative proportion to one another.
- Top 5 Alarm Recipients (upper right of page) - Pie chart showing which Recipients in your organization have received the greatest number of Notifications and the relative proportion to one another.
- Notifications by Type (bottom half of page) - Line chart showing Notifications activity for each of the different Notification Types (i.e., Text, Email and Voice).
How to Change Duration
By default the Alarm Dashboard page displays the last 24 hours of activity on the various graphs. This value can be changed using the Duration dropdown (upper right of page) from which several options are available:
- 24 hours
- 3 days
- 7 days
- 30 days
- Custom duration
When the Custom value is selected for Duration, a dialog is displayed which allows the user to define a custom date range by inputting a Start Date and End Date. Calendar controls are used to allow the user to easily select the date and time.
How to Filter by Notification Type
By default the Alarm Dashboard page displays information for all three Notification Types:
- Text
- Voice
The Notification Types Filter dropdown (upper right of page) may be used to toggle the graphs to display only the selected Notification Type(s).
How to Interact with Charts - Mouse-hover
Each of the charts is interactive and supports the ability to hover the mouse over data points to view their values. On the pie charts, hovering over a pie slice will highlight the corresponding data value row underneath.
Alarm Detail Dashboard
Each of the charts is interactive and supports the ability to click the chart to view the underlying data values. By clicking on a slice or line item, you are taken to the Alarm Detail Dashboard filtered to only those alarms that are associated with your selection, whereas clicking the More Info link within each pie chart will open an Alarm Detail Dashboard unfiltered. Both will show the following:
- Full ranking of respective values (i.e., beyond the Top 5) on the left side of the page (when filtered, your selection is indicated by a gray bound box)
- Tabular grid displaying detailed data elements for the respective Alarm Setpoints, Notifications or Recipients on the right side of the page. When filtered this list is paired down to those that apply to the selection on the left-hand side of the screen.
- Clicking an item in the full ranking list (left side of page) will filter the corresponding details in the tabular grid (right side of page)
- Each of the tabular reports may be sorted by clicking the respective column headers.
More Actions
The Alarm Dashboard was designed for admins to not only view but manage Setpoints, Objects and Recipients. From the Alarm Detail Dashboard, when an item is selected from the Left side, there is a more actions menu available indicated with a vertical three dot ellipse.
For Alarm Setpoints:
The more actions menu on Alarm Setpoints allows the admin to edit the Alarm Setpoint by acting as a hyperlink to the Alarm Setpoint Administration page with the selected setpoint expanded for editing. Once edits have been made, the back arrow in the menu bar will take you directly back to the previous screen on the Alarm Dashboard Details - Alarm Setpoints.
For Alarm Objects:
The more actions menu on Alarm Objects allows the admin to edit alarm setpoints by acting as a hyperlink to the Alarm Setpoints tab at the Device Detail Level. Once edits have been made, the back arrow in the menu bar will take you directly back to the previous screen on the Alarm Dashboard Details - Alarm Objects.
For Alarm Recipients:
The more actions menu on Alarm Recipients allows the admin to edit user by acting as a hyperlink to the User & Role Administration page with the selected user expanded for editing. Once edits have been made, the back arrow in the menu bar will take you directly back to the previous screen on the Alarm Dashboard Details - Alarm Recipients.
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