This article will show you how to set up a setpoint on a tag. It will also show you how to set up linked setpoints. This is very handy when you have a group of wells that all need the same setpoint with the same callouts.
EX: If you need all Low Flow alarms to alarm to the same group when they flow below your targeted limit, you'll create one setpoint and link the wells to that one setpoint, as opposed to creating the same parameters on each individual well.
NOTE: This is accessible to admins only. Please contact an admin on your account to have them set this up.
Creating a Single Setpoint
To create a single tag setpoint first select your device from the Summary Listing and the data tag you would like to create the setpoint on.
After selecting your tag for the Alarm Setpoint select the Setpoint tab from the menu above then choose ‘Add Setpoint’
The Preference section is used to configure the setpoint criteria and messaging text. You’ll want to select your comparison using either Value Comparison (used most often), Variance Percentage or Amount.
Be sure to give it a Setpoint Name and set your Alarm Criteria or percentage/value for Variance alarms.
By Default, your setpoint messaging will be using the reusable content. A sample of that reusable content is given to you out to the side. This is handy if linking other tags to the setpoint. If you want, you can enter in your own text.
Proceed on my selecting the Notifications tab at the top to select who will receive the alarms. Here you can select from individual recipients, notification list or alarm schemes.
If you would like to select an Alarm Scheme to apply you can click on the drop down for Notification Method and select ‘Tiered Notifications’ and select any available Schemes that are available. Use the Alarm Scheme Admin tool from the Admin selection to create any new schemes you may need.
Single Tag Setpoint Edit
To edit any existing Setpoints navigate to the device and data tag, similar to creating a new one, then select the Setpoints tab. From there, you will see any available Setpoints. To edit simply select the pencil icon on the right hand side and follow steps above to make any additional changes that are needed.
You can also Acknowledge an alarm from here as well. Select the bell icon
You can also disable a setpoint for a set amount of time if you would like. See steps below
Create Multi-Tag Setpoints
Once you create your setpoint using the steps above you can now link other similar tags to the setpoint. For example, if you want to create the same Low Battery alarms for all your location. This is a time saver as you don’t need to create individual alarms for each battery data tag.
Start by selecting the Setpoints tool from the Admin tools
First, search for the existing setpoint you already created and if you don’t know the name of the setpoint you can search by the Name of the location/device.
Edit the Setpoint by selecting the pencil icon. This screen will also show you what other tags are already linked to it.
Once in Edit mode select the Usage tab and then the ‘Search/Link Tags to Setpoint’ option at the bottom
You can select Search from here to immediately find any devices containing the ‘Tag Association Type’ used for the setpoint. Check the box for ‘Show Selected’ to see what that is. Also, if your looking for a specific device/location you can use the Name Filter.
Also, use the Filter by TAT name and Filter by Tag Name options to narrow down your search.
Select the ones you would like to link from the search results section then choose the ‘Link Selected Tags to Setpoint’
Be sure to Save the setpoint after linking the tags.
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