eLynx Support needs the following information for Data Export setups:
Points of Contact
Please provide contact information for all of the following people:
- SCADALynx Customer End User
- SCADALynx Customer IT/Integration POC
- Third-Party Software Integration POC
Export Format & Delivery Information
Please provide the following information for each data export instance that is being setup:
- Desired File Format (csv, xls, xlsx, etc.)
- Desired File Name Format (e.g. “YYYYMMDD Daily Production”, etc.)
- Include/Exclude Header Row
Desired Delivery Method (Customer FTP Site, eLynx FTP Site, via Email, via Web Service)
- If Customer FTP, please also provide FTP Site Address, Username, Password & Token (if secure FTP)
- If Email, please also provide Recipient Email Addresses
- Delivery Frequency (One-time, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually)
- Delivery Day/Time
Export Data Set
Please provide the following export data set details, as applicable:
- SCADALynx Devices/Groups to be Included
- SCADALynx Attributes to be Included
SCADALynx Tags to be Included with Desired Numerical Function Noted
- Numerical Function means: Last Known Value, Average, Max, etc.
Include/Exclude Devices and Tags with No Data
- Some systems are not able to handle NULL values or empty cells so we can exclude these values from the export file if needed
- Sample of Desired Export File
Desired Data Format
- List of Devices with a Row for each Day and Column for each Attribute & Tag
- List of Data with One Row for each Device, Day, Attribute & Tag
eLynx Support will provide a timeframe for completion of the setup upon receiving all of the required information.
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