Production Dashboard
The eLynx Application has a Production Dashboard" available to give you a quick overview of your current production. This dashboard is available to any customer that has support for the special class of Objects of type Well. These special objects pull together information from automated forecasting, variance from forecast, average production, and other related information from the devices in your system.
If your system includes Well Objects then the Production Dashboard will be available for any group which includes Well Objects.
The Production Dashboard may be accessed by clicking on its icon in the left-hand toolbar.
The dashboard will load, and you will see an overview for the current group that shows Water, Oil, and Gas targets (based on a rolling average) and the actual Water, Oil, and Gas production for each day for the last 30 days.
There is a lot to look at here, so we're going to take this in pieces.
Table of Contents:
Yesterday and Last 30-Day Info
Liquid Production
The Liquid Production chart shows a stacked vertical bar for each of the last 30 days showing the oil production (in green) and then stacked on top of that the water production (in blue) for that same day for all wells in the current group which have daily oil and or water data. Since the Oil and Water data are "stacked" the top of the bar is the total liquid volume produced that day.
There are also two horizontal dashed lines running across the graph to show targets (based on rolling averages) for the Oil production (the lower line) and total liquids (the upper line).
This formatting makes it easy to see wether any given day was below or above targets and to tell easily if it was Oil, Water, or Both which were above or below the forecast amounts.
Gas Production
Shown directly below the Liquid Production chart is a Gas Production chart.
This chart shows the total Gas produced for each of the last 30 days in horizontal bars along with a vertical dashed line showing expected production based on a rolling average target.
Current Status
The Pie Chart near the top shows a relative indication of the current status of all Wells in the current group. There can be up to 4 sections in the Pie Chart as follows:
Producing: Wells that have a non-zero flow rate at some point in the last four hours.
Ongoing Events: Wells which currently have a Rules Engine violation.
Down: Wells which have had a zero flow rate for the last four hours.
Unknown: Wells which have not communicated in the last four hours, therefore the current state is not known.
These sections on the Pie Chart correspond directly to items in the Well List, and clicking on any section in the Pie Chart will expand that portion of the Well List.
Below the Pie Chart is a legend which will show what percentage of wells in the current group fall into each of the four categories, and what they represent in terms of production. (Default is Barrels of Oil Equivalent "BOE" but you can change that (see the section below on View Options.
Below the legend is the same information shown in the Pie Chart but laid out as a horizontal bar.
Yesterday and Last 30-Day Info
Below the Gas Production chart are two small tables showing the Gas, Oil, and Water production values for yesterday, and an average of each over the last 30 days.
Well List
The Well List shows the same four categories (Ongoing Events, Down, Unknown, and Producing) as the Current Status Pie Chart. By default, these sections are collapsed, but clicking the Expand icon to the right of any section will cause it to open and show the list of wells belonging to that category.
Initially this list of wells is sorted alphabetically, and displays the BOE values for Gas Production, but see the section below on View Options where you can set the sort order of these sections and select different values to display.
For Each listed well you will see that wells Daily Target, and how far above (Green with up arrow) or below (Red with down arrow) it is. Please note these values are based on the last full production day and will only update after the well crosses a contract hour.
See the section on Sorting and Target Selection in the View Option section for controlling what you see here.
Looking at data for a given Well
Clicking on any given well in the list will replace the Group level dashboard with a graph for that specific well.
This image is for example purposes only, the graph you see will be your default Well graph. Or, while this graph is up you can use the Well Graph in View Option to select other available graphs.
While the Well Graph is displayed there will be two icons added to the top of the Well List.
The left icon will return to the regular Production Dashboard view, the right icon will replace the well list with a Well History for the current well. This history will include Memos, Settings Changes (performed from the eLynx Application), Alarms, Diagnostic Events, Data Quality Events, Form Events, and any Manually Entered Events, but this list of events can be filtered by selecting Well History Options from the View Options panel.
To close the Well History and return to the Well List click the X in the upper right corner of the history viewer.
Adding Memo's or Manual Events.
When a well is selected in the History List two icons and a More Options menu are added in the upper right corner of the display.
The first icon allows you to add a Memo to the selected Well. Clicking this icon will open the Memo creation tool.
Clicking the second icon allows you to enter a Manual Event. Where you can enter Start and End times for the Event, additional Notes, and select from the built in list of diagnositcs what type of event it was.
TheDiagnostic Event Types may be selected from a list that includes common types of events for ESP, Gas Lift, Plunger Lift, and Rod Pump wells.
The More Options menu has one options "Go To Well Details" that will take you directly to the selected wells Well Details page.
View Options
The View Options panel can be opened by clicking the View Options icon in the toolbar at the upper right corner of the display.
The View Options panel will change depending on which view is currently open. In this section we will cover each item that may show while using the Production Dashboard and will include a list of when that particular part of the options panel is visible.
Entering text in the Find in Well List will limit the Well List to only include wells that contain the entered text. Adding a Filter here will not cause the dashboard to recalculate, it simply makes it easier to find a Well in the Well List
Visible when: The Well List is the leftmost panel (at all times except when viewing Well History).
You can change the sort order of the Well List to be one of Well Name (the default), Target, or Variance and set the order from Low to High (Ascending), or High to Low (Descending) allowing you to find wells by highest priority based on missed target (Variance, Ascending works well for this), or biggest producer (Target Descending works well for this).
Visible when: The Well List is the leftmost panel (at all times except when viewing Well History).
Target Selection
Targets and Variances are calculated for BBL Oil Production, MCF Gas Production, MCF BOE Gas Production, and Net Revenu $$$. (Note: The Revenue calculations are only performed when you have entered Lift and Disposal costs for a Well on the Well Details page or loaded in bulk from a CSV file.)
Selecting any of these options will switch the Target and Variance columns to that set of calculations.
Visible when: The Well List is the leftmost panel (at all times except when viewing Well History).
Well Graph
These three options allow you to change the graph display that is shown when a Well is selected in the Well List.
This will present a drop-down list of all Well graph configurations available to you for the current group. You may select any configuration in the list to switch which graph you are currently viewing.
Visible when: A Well has been selected in the Well List
Clicking on the currently selected duration will bring up a window allowing you to set a new duration for the graph.
From here you can select one of the quick defaults 24 Hours, 3 Days, 7 Days, 30 Days, or a custom date-range or return to the "Configured Timeline" to return to the settings saved in the graph configuration.
Visible when: A Well has been selected in the Well List
Override Options
Clicking Override Options allows you to add markers to the graph for Memos, Alarms, Data Quality Violations (from the Rules Engine), Diagnostics Events (also from the Rules Engine), Manual Events, and Settings Changes (made from within the application). In addition you can toggle the graph legend on/off and collapse stacked graphs back to a single graph.
Visible when: A Well has been selected in the Well List
Quick Graph
Clicking Quick Graph will bring up a list of all the Tags available on the current well, you may select the tags you would like to graph and then click Plot Graph in the upper right corner to return to the screen and see a graph of the selected tags.
Visible when: A Well has been selected in the Well List
Well History Options
When viewing the history for a well you can control which events are included in the list, and also select the time period for which events are displayed. By default the last 100 events of all types are displayed, but clicking on the Duration will allow you to select the time period for which to display events.
Visible when: A Well History is displayed in the left most pane.
Graph Toolbar
When viewing a graph there is a toolbar located at the top of the graph that allows you to use most of the same tools you use in the Graph Report page.
The first icon allows you to Export the raw data that is used to draw the graph as either an Excel Spreadsheet, or as a PDF document.
The second icon allows you to export an image (.png file format) of the current graph.
The third icon allows you to save the last created quick graph as a regular graph configuration for further refinement.
And finally the More Options button allows you to to perform standard configuration tasks like duplicating and editing the current configuration, creating a new one, setting default configurations etc.
Viewing on Mobile Devices
For mobile devices a limited dashboard is available. It will display the Well List only. The Options panel will allow you to select between BBL, MCF, BOE, $$$ and change the sort order to Ascending / Descending.
While looking at the Well List you may click on a Well to go to that wells Well Details page.
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