The new eLynx application adds functionality to Map View including the ability to see data overlays right on the map screen (see below), personal configuration of map displays, uploading and displaying GIS files, and more.
Creating a custom configuration
Select the 3 dot "More Options" menu, then select the "Create New" option to create a new configuration and begin editing the view.
The system will show you the Configuration Menu where we can start to select the information we would like to display on the map.
Map Options
Near the top of the screen, we can select "Map Options" which allow us to select which GIS (Geographic Information System) files should show by default when using this configuration, and the ability to have the data cards start out "hidden" rather than displayed.
If you don't have GIS files (or they have not been loaded into the system yet) Then you'll see a screen that looks like this when you first enter the configuration editor.
If you do have GIS files already loaded in the system, then they will show up with checkboxes so you can select which ones you want visible (by default) when you open this configuration.
GIS files ARE NOT required to use map view, you just need to set the Lattitude and Longitude properties of your devices so that push pins can appear on the map at the appropriate locations (see Map View - Tips and Tricks) for information on setting up the Lattitude and Longitude on your devices.
Map Sections
Each "Map Section" allows you to define what data you want to see on the map for each type of device in the system. Please note, you can only add information for Device Types that are in the current group.
To get started with a section select a Device Type in the definition for the first section (created automatically) by clicking here...
Once you've selected a device type click the "Edit Section" button here...
This will bring up a list of all of the types of tags that are associated with all of the devices in the current group that have the selected Device Type.
First a quick explanation, there are two views associated with each device, the "Data Card" which is overlaid on the map ...
and the "Detailed View" which slides over the map to show additional details.
Now that we know what the displays look like that we are configuring, let's take a look at that "Edit Section" screen and see how we do that.
1) - When checked, show this item on the "Detaled" view.
2) - The Default Label / Tag Type.
3) - When checked, show this item on the "Data Card".
4) - Use a different label than what is shown in column 2.
5) - Search / Filter box.
Let's walk through an example of using these to add a tag to the "Data Card" view. I want to see how fast the rod-pumps are running so I'm going to type "minute" in the Filter box (#5 above) because I know the tag is named "Strokes per minute". That filtered the list down to two tags that had minute as part of the name, and I'm looking for the second one, so I'll check the "Show on Map" as I want this in the "Data Card", the system will automatically check the first column to include it in the "Details" card, then I'm going to edit the Label field and type in "Pump Strokes / Min"
Now that I've got that tag added I also want the motor RPM, but I don't need it on the map, I just want to be able to bring it up on the side overlay. So I type in "RPM" in the filter and look for the RPM (Last Stroke) tag. I also changed the label to "Pump RPM". Notice this time I checked the first column "Include" but left the third column unchecked, so this tag will show in the slide out, but not on the map overlay.
Once I'm finished selecting tags, I clear the filter and toggle on the "View Selected" to verify I've got everything setup the way I want it.
That looks correct so I'll click the "Sections" button to get back to the main screen.
And then the "Save as New" button to save the configuration...
Enter a name for the new configuration.
And now I can see the results:
Notice that two of the push pins on the map are purple and have numbers on them, that is known as pin "clustering" and means that there are two devices very close together so the system just shows us a count of pins in / near that location.
If we click on one of those pushpins we will get a list of the devices that are being clustered together.
I can click on any of the listed device names to open the "Detailed" view in the slide over panel.
Of course if I zoom in a little bit these are far enough apart that all of the cards will show at the same time, and as above I can click on the name of the device at the top of any of the cards to open that devices "Detailed" view.
For performance reasons the "Data Cards" only show when there would be 25 or fewer displayed, if there are more pushpins than that the system will disable the "Data Cards" until you zoom in a little closer on an area of interest. (This limit is lower on mobile displays as there is less space available).
Uploading and using GIS files
GIS files can be uploaded and displayed on the map to show overlays like pipelines. GIS files are supported in two formats: Shapefiles (.shp & .prj) from ArcGIS and other similar GIS products, or KML/KMZ files from Google Earth and other similar products.
You can upload files from the Map View 3 dot "More Options" menu item by selecting the "Upload GIS Files" menu option.
This will bring up a window allowing you to set the file type (Shapefile and Projection files or a KML/KMZ file. For Shape and Projection files you will need to select and upload both a .shp and a .prj file, for KML/KMZ a single file contains all the required information.
Once GIS files have been uploaded you can toggle the display on and off by opening the "View Options" pane and expanding the "Filter GIS Files" box and toggle files on and off with the checkboxes next to their names.
Other items in the More Options menu
Select "Duplicate" from the More Options menu to make a copy of the current configuration for editing. Choosing Duplicate works the same as clicking on the Edit icon except it forces you to save to a new file name once you are done editing.
Modify Permissions
Selecting "Modify Permissions" allows you to share this configuration with others in your organization.
When you select Modify Permissions you will be allowed to select how you want to share this configuration.
Set as Default
If the configuration is Private then selecting "Set as Default" will make the current configuration your default when you open Map View for the current group. If the configuration is shared you will be asked to choose how to apply the default...
Once you've made the appropriate selections click the APPLY button to save the settings.
To Delete a Map View Configuration, first open the Options panel and choose the Configuration you wish to delete.
Now open the More Options menu by clicking on the three dots menu, then select Delete.
If the configuration is Shared and other users of the system have it set as a Default you will not be allowed to delete the configuration and the following warning will be displayed.
To Rename a Map View Configuration, first open the Options panel and choose the Configuration you wish to rename.
Now open the More Options menu by clicking on the three dots menu, then select Rename.
A dialog will be presented that will allow you to enter a new name for the Configuration. Please note that you will be warned (but not prevented from renaming) if the configuration is Shared that renaming it will affect other users, but you will not be prevented from making the change.
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