eLynx Forms are part of eLynx Premium and Expert Service Levels. If you are subscribed to eLynx’s Premium or Expert Service Tier, eLynx Support can help you get set up with forms. If you are subscribed to eLynx’s Basic Service Tier, click here to book a demo of our Premium Service Tier including the Forms functionality so you can evaluate changing your service tier.
At this time Custom Forms must be predefined in the system by eLynx Support before they can be used. Please contact our support department at support@elynxtech.com or 1-866-303-5969 for information on what we need to create a form definition for your use.
Administrators Note: For form functionality the users MUST be granted "Form Instance" View and Modify permissions as well as "Form Template" View. In addition the "Reporting" View permission is required.
Once Custom Forms have been defined, they can be used as follows.
Navigate to Device
Navigate to the device you wish to attach/view/edit a form using the built in Navigation tools available under the Navigation Button in the lower left corner of your screen.
Here we can see the Device Details screen for the “Armstrong 2-1” device.
Once the Device Details screen is open if you again select the Navigation Button you’ll see an entry for Forms.
Once we click on that option we now see a list of all Custom Forms that have already been entered for this device.
Each entered Form has a More Options button that will allow us to View, Edit, or Delete that form entry. For this example I’m going to select Edit on the first entry as I know the inspection has not yet been completed.
Once the form is open I rotated my phone to get a wider full screen view of the form.
I scrolled down to the table near the bottom of this form and entered the inspection data for the fire extinguisher that I’m completing the inspection on.
Now that I’ve made changes you’ll notice that the Save Button in the lower right corner has highlighted to show that I have unsaved changes.
I’ll click on that button to save my changes and the system will confirm that the form has been updated.
If I want to start a new Form entry I can click on the New Form button in the upper right corner of the screen.
A menu will appear with a list of Forms which I can create and attach to the current device.
As forms are created an Entry will be shown in the Device History tab on the Device Details screen.
This allows you to see the Form data in the same timeline as other significant events like Alarms, Memos, and Diagnostic Events
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