Copy a Rule
A Rule may be copied by clicking the Copy Rule (dual squares) icon next to the rule. This will display the Copy Rule page with the page title altered to be the original rule name plus the phrase "(copy)" appended to the end.
All of the original rule settings (i.e., rule logic, usage, actions, etc.) are copied into the new rule. From that point the procedures to configure the copied rule are the same as those used to Create a Rule or to Modify a Rule via the step-by-step tab menus.
Step 1: Rule Logic tab
The 1: Rule Logic tab is used to select the Rule Type, select a Rule, and review/modify the Rule Logic for the relevant tags and value thresholds as follows:
- Rule Type - Select the desired type of rule to be applied. The value selected here will filter the available rules in the Rule field. Value options for Rule Type include:
- Diagnostic Rule - Evaluates values of one or more selected tags against thresholds to determine if an event has occurred.
- Data Quality Rule - Evaluates attributes about the data (i.e., metadata) received for one or more selected tags to determine if data being received is of sufficient quality for analysis purposes (including Rules).
- Rule - Select the rule to be configured and applied.
- The list of available rules is dependent on the value selected in the Rule Type field.
- When a rule is selected, the page title (upper left corner) will be changed to match the selected rule name (e.g., Gas Lift Compressor Issue).
- Rule Logic -- Displays the associated logic, tags, and default value thresholds defined for the selected rule.
- The Rule Logic is written in user-friendly language.
- Each line in the Rule Logic represents an expression including a data tag, an operator, and the default rule value threshold.
- Default values for thresholds are displayed in gray font color and represent the default value stored in the original rule.
- Default values for thresholds may be overridden by the user, in which case the font color will change from gray to black as a visual indicator that it was modified for this specific rule application.
An example of the 1: Rule Logic tab is shown below with copied threshold values modified to update the Cold north winds (copy) rule:
- The Wind Direction threshold values were changed from 270 to 315 and 90 to 45.
- The Wind Gust threshold value was changed from 10 to 25.
Once any changes to the threshold values have been entered, the Simulation button will be enabled and the user can choose how to proceed:
- Click the Simulation button to continue with the Copy Rule action using the specified Rule Logic values. This will display the next step in the process on the 2: Simulation tab.
- Click the Cancel button to discard all changes and return to the Rules Administration page.
- Click the Reset to Default button to discard all changes and restore any modified Rule Value thresholds to their original default values.
Step 2: Simulation tab
The Simulation tab allows for testing the logic and thresholds by passing data from a selected object over a specified timeframe to the Rules Engine. The Rules Engine will will evaluate the data for the rules and return a graph with the source data and highlighting the areas which meet or exceed the Rule Logic thresholds.
NOTE: The 2:Simulation tab is optional. If the user does not want or need to run a simulation then just click the Usage button to skip to the 3:Usage tab.
How to run a Simulation
A simulation is run by selecting the devices or wells and entering the simulation timeframe values as follows:
1) Click the Select Object button (upper left corner) to display a popup dialog to choose which devices or wells to use in the simulation.
NOTE: Only devices or wells in the current Group that have all the tags required by the Rule Logic will be displayed. Select any one device or well from the list then click the Select button to proceed.
2) Set the Start Time for the data to be used for the simulation.
3) Set the End Time for the data to be used for the simulation.
4) Click the Simulate button.
The Rules Engine will begin to process the data. Please be patient as this can take some time to process depending on the complexity of the Rule and the timespan selected. A Progress Indicator will be shown while the Rule is being evaluated.
Once processing has completed the simulation results will be displayed as a line chart illustrating different "violations" (aka Events) that were detected using the rule logic threshold(s). A pop up dialog will also be displayed to communicate how many Events occurred in the time period.
5) Click the Okay button to close the Simulation Results dialog and view the simulation results chart.
NOTE: In the image above, the "info" markers near the upper left edge of the graph indicate the time periods when Events were detected which meet or exceed the Rule Logic threshold.
6) To zoom in on an area of the chart, use the mouse to click and drag a selection area around the desired timeframe which contains the Events of interest. This will display the selected timeframe of the chart in greater detail and makes it easier to see each of the individual Events.
7) Click the Reset Zoom button to restore the view of the full dataset.
How to modify simulation Rule Logic parameters
The Rule Logic section at the bottom of the page may be used to alter the rule thresholds and re-run the simulation. This allows the user to assess and adjust the sensitivity of the Rule before applying it as follows:
1) In the Rule Logic section of the page, make changes to the values in the desired threshold fields.
2) Click the Simulate button (upper right) to launch the simulation using the new threshold values.
3) Review the simulation results to determine whether the rule logic is achieving the desired results.
If the rule logic results are acceptable, click the Save Modifications button to apply the thresholds to the 1:Rule Logic tab.
If the rule logic results are not acceptable, continue making changes to the threshold values in the Rule Logic section, re-running the simulation, and viewing the simulation results until the desired results are achieved.
4) Click the Reset to Default button to restore the Rule Logic threshold values from the 1:Rule Logic tab.
How to store and reuse simulations (eLynx Admin use only)
Each time a simulation is run a unique number is generated and displayed in the Session ID field. This number can be retrieved and used by eLynx Admins to quickly reload and re-run a simulation using the Rule Logic threshold values associated with that Session ID.
1) In the Session ID field, enter the Session ID number.
2) Click the Load Simulation button to retrieve the Rule Logic threshold values associated with the Session ID and populate them in the respective fields in the Rule Logic section.
3) Click the Simulate button to run the simulation based on the Session ID threshold values and view the results.
When finished with the 2: Simulation tab the user may proceed as follows:
- Click the Usage button to proceed to the 3:Usage tab where the user can select the devices and/or wells to which the Rule will be applied.
- Click the Cancel button to discard all changes and return to the Rules Administration page.
- Click the Reset to Default button to discard changes and restore the threshold values in the Rule Logic section to their original values.
- Click the Rule Logic button to return to the 1:Rule Logic step to make changes to the rule.
Step 3: Usage tab
The 3: Usage tab is used to select the devices and/or wells to which the rule will be applied as follows:
- Devices tab (or Well tab) - Select the Devices tab (or Wells tab) to view the respective list of available objects to which the rule can be applied.
- Filter by Device Name - Optionally, enter a text string to display only those devices or wells whose name partially or fully matches.
- This is helpful when scrolling through dozens or hundreds of items to find the desired object(s).
- Select Devices (or Wells) - Place a check mark next to each device or well to which the rule should be applied. At least one (1) device or well must be selected.
- View Selected Devices - Optionally, place a check mark in this field to view only those devices or wells that have been selected.
- This is helpful when there are dozens or hundreds of items and the user wants to review and confirm only those devices or wells to which the rule will be applied.
An example of the 3:Usage tab is shown below with changes to the selected devices to which the Cold north winds (copy) rule will be applied:
- One device was deselected: JC's Weather Station (WebHost Test)
- Three devices were selected: BVO Weather, OKC Weather, and TUL Weather
Once the desired devices and/or wells have been modified (i.e., at least one must be selected), the Actions button will be enabled and the user can choose how to proceed:
- Click the Actions button to continue with the Modify Rule action using the selected objects. This will display the next step in the process on the 4: Actions tab.
- Click the Simulation button to return to the previous step in the process. This will display the 2:Simulation tab.
- Click the Cancel button to discard all changes and return to the Rules Administration page.
Step 4: Actions tab
The 4: Actions tab is used to customize the actions taken when a rule event has been triggered or cleared for an associated device or well. Available actions include:
- Sending a voice message to a designated notification list and/or recipient(s), and/or
- Sending an email message to a designated notification list and/or recipient(s), and/or
- Sending a Report attachment with the email including the data that was evaluated and caused the Event(s) to be created based on the Rule Logic.
NOTE: Remember, an Event represents an instance where the Rule Logic thresholds have been exceeded on the selected device or well.
NOTE: The 4:Actions tab is optional. It is used only if the user wants to send a voicemail, email, and/or report to one or more notification lists or recipients when an Event occurs. An Event is still recorded by the system regardless of whether any Actions have been been configured. If actions are not needed then the user may just click the Summary button to skip to the 5:Summary tab.
Rule Alarm Notifications action
1) Click the + Add Action button in the Available Actions section (upper left). The Action Selection window will be displayed.
NOTE: Only Actions that have not yet been added will be shown in the list.
2) Select the type of Action to be added, then click the Select button. The Action Selection dialog will be closed and the user is returned to the 4:Actions tab.
3) The selected Action type will be displayed as a tile card in the left pane (e.g., Rule Alarm Notifications).
How to configure a Rule Alarm Notification Action
Rule Alarm Notifications handle Events similarly to Alarm Setpoints and generate notifications when the Rule Logic thresholds are met or exceeded. They are configured as three separate components:
- Messages
- Notification Lists
- Recipients
Configuring Messages
Messages may be configured to be sent for an Event Start (top of page) and for the Event End (bottom of page).
- Default messages are automatically generated for the Email Subject, Email Message, and Voice Message sections.
- Optionally, the content of these messages may be modified and customized by the user by typing directly in the respective Message field and/or inserting values from the respective Insert reusable content drop-down fields.
- The Sample field of each section displays how the message content will appear based on the respective Message field above it.
Configuring Notification Lists
Once the desired Messages have been configured, the Notification Lists link and Recipients link in the Rule Alarm Notifications card on the left may be used to select to whom those Messages are sent. To do this, the user simply places a checkmark next to each Notification List or Alarm Scheme to be used. The number of selected Notification Lists or Alarm Schemes is displayed in the Rule Alarm Notifications tile card (left side of page) next to the Notification Lists title.
The Notifications Lists link may be used to quickly select groups of recipients to be notified when a Rule Event starts or ends.
Since Notification Lists may contain dozens or hundreds of entries, several filter options are available to help the user find the desired Notification List(s) as follows:
- Organizations drop down - Used to show only those Notification Lists associated with a specific organization.
- The Notification Type dropdown - Allows the user to switch between One-Time Notification and Alarm Schemes.
- One-Time Notification sends a single notification to each recipient when the event starts and again when the event ends.
- Alarm Schemes can be configured to escalate alarms up the chain of command and/or repeat alarms on specified intervals until someone has acknowledged that they are taking responsibility for resolving the issue, or until the condition clears.
- Filter by Name field - Optionally, enter partial or full text of any Notification Lists to display only the matching entries.
- This is helpful when scrolling through dozens or hundreds of items to find the desired Notification List(s).
- View Selected Lists checkbox- Optionally, place a check mark in this field to view only those Notification Lists that have been selected.
- This is helpful when there are dozens or hundreds of items and the user wants to review and confirm only those Notification Lists to which messages will be sent.
- This will only be shown when using One-Time Notifications.
NOTE: When using the Alarm Scheme option for Notification Type, only one (1) Alarm Scheme may be selected.
Configuring Recipients
The Recipients link is used to choose one or multiple Recipients to notify when a Rule Event starts and/or ends. To do this, the user simply places a checkmark next to each Recipient to be notified. The number of selected Recipients is displayed in the Rule Alarm Notifications tile card (left side of page) next to the Recipients title.
NOTE: The Recipients link is not available if the user has selected the Alarm Scheme notifications option for the Notification Type when configuring the Notifications Lists.
The list of Recipients may contain dozens or hundreds of entries, so several filter options are available to help the user find the desired Recipient(s) as follows:
- All Types drop down - Choose whether to Filter to show only those Recipients configured for Email, Text and/or Voice messages.
- Organizations drop down - Filter to show only those Recipients associated with a specific Organization.
- Filter by Name field - Optionally, enter partial or full text of any Recipient to display only the matching entries.
- This is helpful when scrolling through dozens or hundreds of items to find the desired Recipient(s).
- View Selected Recipients checkbox - Optionally, place a check mark in this field to view only those Recipients that have been selected.
- This is helpful when there are dozens or hundreds of items and the user wants to review and confirm only those Recipients to which messages will be sent.
How to configure a Reporting Action
Reporting Actions handle Events similarly to Alarm Setpoints and generate notifications when the Rule Logic thresholds are met or exceeded. Since these Report Actions can only be sent to e-mail addresses the setup screen is slightly simpler (i.e., Notification Lists are not supported). They are configured as two separate components under the Reporting section of the Rule Alarm Notifications card:
- Messages
- Recipients
Configuring Messages
Messages may be configured to be sent for an Event Start (top of page) and for the Event End (bottom of page).
- Default messages are automatically generated for the Email Subject and Email Message.
- NOTE: The Voice Messages section is not available for Reporting actions since Reports can only be attached to emails.
- Optionally, the content of these messages may be modified and customized by the user by typing directly in the respective Message field and/or inserting values from the respective Insert reusable content drop-down fields.
- The Sample field of each section displays how the message content will appear based on the respective Message field above it.
Configuring Recipients
The Recipients link is used to choose one or multiple Recipients to notify when a Rule Event starts and/or ends. To do this, the user simply places a checkmark next to each Recipient to be notified. The number of selected Recipients is displayed in the Rule Alarm Notifications tile card (left side of page) next to the Recipients title.
The list of Recipients may contain dozens or hundreds of entries, so several filter options are available to help the user find the desired Recipient(s) as follows:
- All Types drop down - Choose whether to Filter to show only those Recipients configured for Email, Text and/or Voice messages.
- Organizations drop down - Filter to show only those Recipients associated with a specific Organization.
- Filter by Name field - Optionally, enter partial or full text of any Recipient to display only the matching entries.
- This is helpful when scrolling through dozens or hundreds of items to find the desired Recipient(s).
- View Selected Recipients checkbox - Optionally, place a check mark in this field to view only those Recipients that have been selected.
- This is helpful when there are dozens or hundreds of items and the user wants to review and confirm only those Recipients to which messages will be sent.
Once the Reporting Action has been configured with the specified Messages and Recipients, the Actions button will be enabled and the user can choose how to proceed:
- Click the Summary button to continue with the Apply Rule action using the selected notifications. This will display the next step in the process on the 5: Summary tab.
- Click the Usage button to return to the 3:Usage tab to view and/or modify the Wells and Devices that the rule will be applied to.
- Click the Cancel button to discard all changes and return to the Rules Administration page.
Step 5: Summary tab
he 5:Summary tab is used to review the user's selections and configurations before saving the changes to the rule and applying it to the selected devices and/or wells. Three sections are displayed:
- Rule Logic - Displays the user-friendly description of the rule logic including the relevant tags, expressions, and thresholds to be used.
- In the example above, the thresholds values were modified to -25 and -19, respectively.
- Usage - Displays a list of the devices and/or wells to which the rule will be applied.
- In the example above, the number of selected devices were modified from 4 to 3.
- Actions - Displays the Notification Lists and Recipients to which messages will be sent.
- In the example above, the number of selected notification lists were modified from 3 to 2.
- In the example above, the number of selected recipients were modified from 4 to 3.
Final Step: Accept or Cancel Changes
After reviewing the modifications in the 5:Summary tab the user can choose how to proceed.
Cancel changes
Click the Cancel button to discard all changes and return to the Rules Administration page.
Make additional changes
Click the Actions button to return to the previous tab(s) to make modifications to any of the previous rule settings. Once any changes have been completed the user must return to the 5: Summary tab to save changes.
Save Changes
Click the Save Changes button to save the rule using the rule modifications for the selected devices and/or wells.
- The Modify Rule page will be closed and the user will be returned to the Rules Administration page where the modified rule will be displayed.
Save As New Rule
Click the Save As New button to create a new rule using the rule modifications for the selected devices and/or wells. A Save As New dialog will prompt the user to enter a unique name for the new rule.
- Enter a new unique name for the copied rule.
- In this example, the new name is Cold north winds - v2 October 2021.
- Click the Save As New button to accept the new name and save the copied rule as a new rule.
- The Copy Rule page will be closed and the user will be returned to the Rules Administration page where the new rule will be displayed.
- A green toast message will be displayed in the upper right corner to notify the user that the rule was successfully created.
What Happens Next?
If the changes were saved (i.e., the Save As New button was clicked) then the rule will operate as follows:
- The eLynx application will now begin using the rule to monitor the selected devices and/or wells to determine if any events occur that meet the rule logic.
- If an event is detected then the configured messages will be sent to the designated notification lists and/or recipients.
- Any rule events detected may be viewed on the respective pages in the eLynx application:
- Device events may be viewed on the Device Details and Device Trending pages.
- Well events may be viewed on the Well Details, Well Trending and Well Review pages.
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