- [Summary Listing] – Exports did not always work as expected when a filter was applied. This bug has been fixed and exports should now work consistently across Summary Listing.
- [Reporting] – Recent changes to our Reporting tool resulted in timestamp columns not being displayed on downloaded reports. This was a simple fix that was implemented shortly after the problem was discovered.
- [Quick Trending] – Group Quick Trending started failing to export on larger groups. This turned out to be a simple Java configuration. Development deployed an update to Quick Trending and the issue is resolved.
- [Reporting] – When using the "Previously concluded Month" option in Reporting, the wrong time zone offset for the Start Date would be selected when crossing time change boundaries. A fix was deployed for this bug.
- [Scheduled Reports] – We have created a new Scheduled Reports Administration page under the Admin tools menu. This tool allows our users to create and manage their own schedules for reports directly, instead of going through eLynx Support.
- [API Platform] – We have now established the eLynx API Platform. This new system allows us to use our API to call third party APIs and collect data based on schedules or triggers. The eLynx API Platform will reduce the time and effort needed to setup future API connections.
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