- [Quick Trending] – Changes made to fix a separate bug in Trending resulted in an unexpected behavior where Tag labels would be duplicated in Quick Trending. The issue was resolved the same day it was reported, so this only affected our users for a few hours.
- [Quick Trending] – We have added the option to hide all secondary axes when running a Quick Trend report. This means the axes to the right of the graph will not be displayed, providing more flexibility.
- [Quick Trending] – When running a Quick Trend, if a Device had too many Y axes configured to display the data, the system would drop that Device off the report. We’ve updated the tool to include a message for these Devices that clearly explains why the graph is not displayed.
- [Reporting] – We have added the option to define a timeframe for all sections in a Report. This acts as an override to the timeframe option in each section. This should make adjusting Report timeframes quicker and easier.
- [Tank Details] – The Tank Details screen has been reworked to include a 30-day graph of the level data values, a new tank graphic showing the level and volume data, and a condensed section for the tag data. Our goal was to give users a better sense what’s happening at the Tank over the recent past, without having to drill down to the tag values or switch to another tool to review data. More updates to Tanks are planned for this quarter.
- [eLynx API] – We have added a link to the Developer Portal on the API Management screen, under the User Profile & Settings page. The Developer Portal contains all documentation related to our API and is curated by our Development team.
- [eLynx API] – In support of the new Diagnostics functionality we launched last month, we have added calls for Diagnostic and Data Quality events to our API.
- [Change Customer] – For users with access to multiple customer sites, we have added a new Change Customer button at the top of the screen, next to the user profile button. This drop-down allows you to navigate from one site to another without having to sign out and reenter your password.
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