- [Device Details] - There was unexpected behavior when selecting Tag Types on the "Defaults" tab. Items could get selected unintentionally if you were using the filter. Development found and eliminated the bug that was causing this issue.
- [Setpoint Administration] - When a Setpoint was configured to use Tiered Notifications, but no Alarm Scheme was selected, the page would produce an error. This has been fixed with a new modal window that alerts the user they must select an Alarm Scheme if they've chosen Tiered Notifications.
- [Summary Listing] - Previously, the page did not save the vertical scroll position or the Rows per Page setting through a page refresh. The page will now save this information, so you won't have to scroll back down to find the device you were looking at prior to the refresh.
- [Device Details] - Disabled Tags will now be displayed in italics on the Device Details screen and the Breadcrumb trail. Disabled tags are not able to receive updated data from any source, but they are available for viewing.
- [Setpoint Administration] - Just like Device Details, disabled Tags will now be displayed in italics in the Setpoint Administration menu.
- [Live Data] - If a Demand Scan fails to complete for all available tags, the notification message will now contain information about how many succeeded and how many failed. This should help clarify the difference between all tags failing to complete the scan, or a few.
- [Tag Details] - When exporting Tag data to Excel or PDF, the Device and Tag name were not previously included in the resulting file name. We've updated the system to include them in all export files.
- [Setpoints] - Setpoints that are disabled will now have a line of text in green indicating when they are scheduled to become active again. This text is shown at the Device and Tag Detail levels, and the Setpoint Administration page.
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