- [System Balance] - After disabling the System Balance functionality on a group, the Summary Listing page would show all devices as Inlets for a few minutes before the header for Inlets was removed. This was caused by a caching problem that has been resolved.
- [User Administration] - Fixed a bug with the “Require Password Change” functionality would prevent the user from logging in.
- [Multi-Select] - The Multi-Select functionality in the Alarm Scheme menu was not allowing Users to select multiple Notification Lists.
- [Multi-Select] - Multi-Select functionality was working correctly in Chrome on Windows, but not on Apple platforms. Using Ctrl+Click (or Cmd+Click) to select individual rows was unsuccessful. This has been fixed.
- [Role Administration] - When editing a User Account from the Role Administration menu, changes to the "Require Password Change" and "Enable Mobile Access" check-boxes were not being saved.
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