- [Device Graph] – Running a Graph config for a large amount of data would cause menu buttons to disappear.
- [Manage Objects] – The Manage Object menu was not always displaying the available templates when creating a device.
- [Device Graph] – Adding a new section to an existing Graph config would sometimes cause errors.
- [User Admin] – Administrators will now have the option to “Resend Login Email” for each user listed in User Admin.
- [Device Details] – String data Tags will now support Live Data and Write Down.
- [User Account] – In both User & Role Admin, and the User Account view, updating a phone number will prompt you to update any Text or Voice recipients with the same number.
- [User Account] - Group Graph has been added to the list of group default view options in User Preferences.
- [Group Graph] – Group Graph now has the checkbox controls for Stacked Graph presentation.
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